3CX Titanium Partner 2023 awarded to Mauritius Telecom
15 February 2024
We are proud to be the first company in Mauritius to be awarded the 3CX Titanium Partnership status, the highest level a partner can achieve.
15 February 2024
We are proud to be the first company in Mauritius to be awarded the 3CX Titanium Partnership status, the highest level a partner can achieve.
28 July 2023
Mauritius Telecom wins yet another award. At the National Productivity and Quality Excellence Award ceremony, organised by the NPCC on 28 July 2023, MT was awarded the Silver Award in the Large Private Enterprises category.
7 July 2023
Mauritius Telecom ranks amongst the best at the Fortinet Channel Awards ceremony held in June 2023 in South Africa and wins 2 awards for the second year in a row. Mauritius Telecom was conferred the MSSP (Managed Security Services Partner) of the Year 2022 and the Best Certified Partner of the Year 2022 for the SADC region.
29 June 2023
my.t mobile désigné réseau mobile le plus rapide à Maurice pour la deuxième année consécutive par Ookla, le leader mondial en matière de tests et d’analyses de réseaux. Cette reconnaissance témoigne de l’engagement de Mauritius Telecom à offrir un service d’excellence à ses clients. En effet, MT travaille sans relâche pour s’assurer que ses clients disposent du meilleur réseau mobile.
8 June 2023
Mauritius Telecom was awarded the second prize in the public sector category at the Environmental Awards 2023 organised by the Ministry of Environment, Solid Waste Management and Climate Change.
9 November 2021
Mauritius Telecom réussit un doublé gagnant lors de l'Africa Tech Festival grâce à son projet 'my.t 360o Digital Operation'. Après avoir obtenu le 'Connectivity Project of the Year Award' décerné par AfricaCom le mardi 9 novembre 2021, MT est une nouvelle fois primée à l'international et ajoute une nouvelle récompense à son palmarès, le 'Most Innovative Product or Service Award'.
1 November 2021
The leading telecommunications operator has been certified as a ‘Great Place to Work’. A third international recognition obtained in November 2021
26 October 2017
Mauritius Telecom a eu l'honneur de remporter le 'Best Network Improvement in Africa 2017 Award'. Ce prix récompense les efforts entrepris par Mauritius Telecom au niveau du déploiement accéléré de la fibre pour une couverture à 100% de notre pays.
27 October 2016
Mauritius Telecom has been designated 'Operator of the Year' by the FTTH Council Africa, in recognition of its achievements in the rolling-out of fibre in Mauritius and its efforts to accelerate the deployment of fibre island-wide. The FTTH Council Africa regroups major companies and organisations involved in the development and deployment of fibre networks.